[CEI] Chrome Extension Ideas #71
Ideas for Images, Wikipedia, Twitter, and YouTube.
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Idea #1
A Chrome extension that detects which version of a given Wikipedia page is the longest.
Can somebody help me understand the use case He has mentioned?
Idea #2
A chrome extension that replaces the shorts/ in youtube links with watch?v=
I would be your first user if you built this. Shorts don’t let you fast-forward the video and also do not have a thumbnail when sharing it in emails or IG DMs. The watch version will fix these issues for you.
A bonus feature would be to add that red line on the Shorts that you have already watched.
You will find more ideas for YouTube here.
Idea #3
A Chrome extension that allows you to click on a tweet and see related podcast episodes
(Premium Subscribers Only).
I hope you enjoyed this week’s Chrome Extension Ideas. See you next week.
Talk Soon,
Honey Syed
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