[CEI] Chrome Extension Ideas #72
ideas for Twitter, Spotify, Usability Testing, and PDFs.
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Google has launched its favorite Chrome extension list for 2022.
Did your extension make it to the list?
Idea #1
A chrome extension that automatically converts PDF spreadsheets to CSVs.
Idea #2
A Chrome extension that connects usability testers with companies.
You will essentially be building a marketplace.
And you will run into the chicken and egg problem. You will need users to attract companies but you need companies to attract users.
I would make a list of Dream 100 prospects and treat them as a client.
I would pay users out of my own pocket to do testing for these prospects and pitch those clients with this testing as a “Demo”.
This is a win-win-win situation.
You are attracting testers and they are getting paid so that will help you attract more testers.
Your prospects are getting a taste of what you can do for them with your “Demo” so there are higher chances of them hiring you.
Note: If you decide to build this and need marketing help, DM me.
Idea #3
A Chrome Extension redirects every link of any music platform to your favorite one.
(Premium Subscribers Only).
Idea #4
A chrome extension that's a solution to the excessive Twitter Blue users in your feed.
(Premium Subscribers Only).
I hope you enjoyed this week’s Chrome Extension Ideas. See you next week.
Talk Soon,
Honey Syed
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